Wordle Hack
# Wordle Hack 2021.12~2021.12

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Implementation tool for

Javascript, PHP / Web

This is a tool that quickly finds the correct answer to the Wordle game.
This initially worked locally and I was able to implement the logic to analyze the JS file to find the correct answer. However, later, after the New York Times took over this game, the logic was changed to providing the correct answer on the server side rather than finding it locally. So I changed the code to be able to retrieve the correct answer again on the server side.
• Explain : https://hooni.net/106388
• Youtube : https://youtu.be/Bdxhy39h31k

Remove background from photo
# Implementation RemBG for Web 2020.03~2020.03

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Implementation RemBG for Web

Python / Linux, Mac, Python, Web

Remove the background of the input image using the RemBG library for Python.
Core functions operate in the server-side backend and interfaces in mobile and web environments.
This provides an open API with a pre-issued authentication key on my server.
The following video is tested using a mobile web browser.
• Demo : https://dev.hooni.net/rembg/
• Youtube : https://youtu.be/ecu0fdebTPU


Control DJI Tello Drone with Python
# Drone Programming 2018.03~2018.03

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Programming for DJI Drone

Python / Mac, Python

This is a program to control the DJI Tello drone using the Pyton programming language.
Connects to DJI Tello drone and sends commands through UDP packets.
The user interface provides a command console, and every command prompt displays the battery usage.
• Explain : https://hooni.net/90225
• Youtube : https://youtu.be/a5GuJQ4keko

# Sharing Location 2017.08~2017.08

Total 1

Development demo app using Firebase and Mapview.

Swift / iOS, Firebase

I use Firebase for authentication users and sharing their location.
Toy Exam app to share location in real time using Firebase and Mapview.
In the video, you can see the location is shared by two smartphones in real time.
• Git Repo : https://github.com/picomax/Quiz
• Youtube : https://youtu.be/7IWZGCCxYIc
• Youtube : https://youtu.be/iWCMIiSszOQ

# Merging Video 2017.08~2017.08

Total 1

Development merging app for vidoe using Firebase

Swift, PHP / iOS

Toy Exam app to share location in real time using Firebase and Mapview.
Subscriptions and authentication are handled through Firebase.
Selecting one local video file and one uploaded video file locally on the device merges to create a new video that merged.
• Git Repo : https://github.com/picomax/Quiz
• Youtube : https://youtu.be/UkXQMoFL4Hc

Sending custom message to KakaoTalk
# Custom Message for KakaoTalk 2017.02~2017.02

Total 1

Implementation for sending custom message to KakaoTalk using Kakao API

PHP, Javascript / Web, KakaoTalk

KakaoTalk is a mobile messenger platform like WhatApp, Telegram, and WeChat, etc and has a large number of mainly Korean users.
They provide several open APIs that work with their platform for developers. Among those APIs, I used an API that allows me to create and send custom messages.
This was created in 2017, but it is continuously updated whenever the API is updated, so it still works well.
• Explain : https://hooni.net/84883
• Youtube : https://youtu.be/Efs3vwB-yOw

Security problem of BHO
# Security problem of BHO 2016.05~2016.05

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Development of cyber attack tool using BHO

.NET C#, PHP / .NET, Windows

Presentation the risk of the Browser Helper Object (BHO)
I have developed a program that uses BHO to access the DOM of HTML, to tamper with data, or to expose sensitive personal information.
This was created to just demonstrate a vulnerability in MicroSoft's InternetExplorer, which still uses BHO.
• Explain : https://hooni.net/70319
• Explain : https://hooni.net/83398
• Youtube : https://youtu.be/eYpA6Svjneg?t=334

Presentation of the dangers of mobile in-app browser
# Information Security 2016.05~2016.05

Total 1

Development tool for demonstration attack using mobile browser

Objective-C, Swift, PHP / iOS

Presentation of the dangers of mobile in-app browsers
I demonstrated by creating an app and a presentation showing that entering personal information in the app's built-in in-app browser can reveal that information.
• Youtube : https://youtu.be/aplnuDzdrps

Query to connect hooni.net
# HTTP Referer Analyzer 2014.03~2014.03

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HTTP Referer Analyzer

PHP / Linux, MySQL

Many users visit hooni.net through search engines such as google, naver, daum, something like that.
We can see what search engines and keywords users use to connect the hooni.net.
This data is obtained by analyzing HTTP Referer.
• Explain : https://hooni.net/90698

Development of Auto Macro for Game
# Auto Macro (Candy) 2012.11~2012.11

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Development of auto macro for Candy Game.

Python / Bluestacks

This is an auto macro program that can automatically run "CandyPang" games to get a high score.
# What is "CandyPang" game?
Five types of color blocks are randomly arranged on a 7x7 2D screen, Touching three or more blocks of the same color in left, right, top and bottom consecutively removes blocks and gets points.
# Implementation / Operation Principle
The game screen is looked at every short cycle to recognize blocks through color and to find removable patterns.
Using the win32 library of Python, I moved my mouse pointer to create a game for myself.
• Explain : https://hooni.net/4431
• Youtube : https://youtu.be/orlkJarcP7M

Development of auto macro for game
# Auto Macro (Anypang) 2012.11~2012.11

Total 1

Development of auto macro for AnyPang game

Python / Bluestacks

An auto macro program that automatically runs "AnyPang" game to get a high score
# What is "AnyPang" game?
Six kinds of character blocks are randomly arranged on a 7x7 2D screen,
You can move a specific block to the left, right, up, and down (drag) to change its position with adjacent blocks.
A game in which if there are three or more identical blocks in the left, right, up, and down directions, they are removed and scores are obtained.
# Implementation / Operation Principle
The game screen is displayed every short cycle to recognize the block through the character's characteristic,
Finds a possible pattern of which block to move in which direction.
Using win32 library in Python, I created mouse events to play games themselves.
• Explain : https://hooni.net/4431
• Youtube : https://youtu.be/FQVG1haUM9w

Development of D-Day Memo
# D-Day Memo 2011.12~2012.02

Total 1

Development of D-Day Memo app for iOS

Objective-C / iOS

Convenient app to conveniently manage D-day information and check it at a glance on the list.
Users can intuitively check D-day information and title in the main list and possible to sort and search in various conditions. Also can change the type and size of fonts and attach pictures.
• AppStore : https://itunes.apple.com/app/id498252718?mt=8

Fortress using Javascript
# Fortress 2010.10~2010.10

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Development of Fortress using Javascript

Javascript,HTML,CSS / Web (Front-end)

Applied the game element using the parabolic motion formula.
The arrow keys on the screen and the space bar buttons recognize the long tab, Added random shot and auto shot button to reduce boredom.
• Explain : https://hooni.net/78817
• PC Web : https://www.hooni.net/toy/fortress/
• Mobile : https://www.hooni.net/toy/fortress_mobile/

Remote control tank using Lego
# Lego Tank 2010.08~2010.08

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Remote control tank using LegoNXT, iPhone, iPad

C/C++, Objective-C / iOS(iPhone/iPad), LegoNXT

I made the body of the tank by connecting the motor and wheels to the left and right of the Lego MindStorm. I connected an RGB color sensor to the input side of Mindstorm and decided the direction of the front, back, left and right according to the color read. And it adjusted the output of the motor according to the direction so that the tank moves.
The iPhone was attached to the tank and the RGB sensor will look at the iPhone screen. The iPad is connected to iPhone and exposed to color on iPhone screen so that it can be used as remote control.
• Youtube : https://youtu.be/rgCGdBeCCjw

Traffic Monitor for Network
# Traffic Monitor 2008.05~2008.06

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Development of Monitoring network traffic

C/C++, PHP, HTML, Javascript / Linux, Web

A program written in C / C ++ runs as a daemon and collects local traffic information every second and creates a graph for visualization.
Similar to previous programs, but with slightly different data.
There is a difference between the time unit that can mainly be analyzed and the part where GD is applied.
Since the amount of packet data collected per second is enormous and it is difficult to store and analyze it for a long time, the average information in minutes is stored for a certain period of time, converted into an average of a specific time unit, and then mapped to the corresponding time.
It is not perfect due to the difference of specific protocol (R / ARP, SNMP, etc.), but it is the same as statistics provided by IDC which is currently being serviced.

Managing server using MSN
# MSN Clone 2008.03~2008.06

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Development of Server(console) manager communicating with MSN

C, C++ / Linux(Server), Windows(Client)

MSN Messenger's protocol and authentication mechanism was released by someone in 2008. So there are a lot of clone messengers released using this information.
I was also running a Linux server at that time and wanted to manage the server using MSN Messenger. And so I made it.
Can communicate with the server in a predefined natural language and enter the Linux command to get the results.
Predefined natural language sentences are managed through MySQL DB.

Real-time Network Monitor #2
# Network Monitor 2007.10~2008.01

Total 1

Real-time monitoring of network protocols using AJAX #2

C/C++, PHP, HTML, Javascript / Linux(Server), Web(Client)

This is a solution that can easily view and manage the status of the server in a web browser. The following information can be displayed and managed.
+ Resource: Important resource information such as memory or CPU utilization
+ Disk : Disk usage and directory usage for each partition
+ Network : Graphs utilization of each protocol
+ Process : Displays processes in a tree form and execute a simple command
+ Users : View a list of current and recent users and execute a simple command
The traffic light on the main screen summarizes the current state of the server and exposes the right colors.
Its structure is largely divided into three parts.
First, the process of collecting information and storing it in DB
Second, the process of outputting DB information to the web or entering commands
Third, the process that actually executes the command and returns the result

Development of Secure VoIP
# Secure VoIP 2006.05~2006.06

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Development of secure VoIP applying encryption data

C/C++, GTK lib. / Linux

VoIP phones were in the spotlight because they were cheaper than international calls at the time. However, the transmitted voice data was vulnerable because it was not encrypted.
I applied secure key exchange and various encryption algorithms for protecting voice data. I have used Diffie-Hellman scheme for the key exchange and have used the cryptography made by my graduate school for the cryptography. I exhibited this project at the 2006 ITRC Forum.

Real-time Network Monitor #1
# Network Monitor 2005.08~2006.01

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Real-time monitoring of network protocols using AJAX

C/C++, PHP, HTML/CSS, Javascript / Linux, Web

In the past I used the "pcap library" to create a network protocol monitoring program. And I implemented it on the web to visualize its output.
The structure is largely divided into two parts: information collection and output. The collected packets are classified into In / Out, Protocol / Port, and stored in the MySQL DB, and output to the line graph, pie chart and table using the PHP GD Library for viewing at a glance.
The web pages use AJAX to update automatically without moving pages at regular intervals. The user can check this information in real time and inquire the IP or protocol / port which is suspected of the abnormal operation.

Web-Terminal and FTP
# Web Term. 2003.11~2003.12

Total 1

Development of Web terminal and FTP

C/C++, PHP, HTML/CSS / Linux, Web

# Explorer / FTP
Even if the Telnet and FTP ports are blocked due to firewalls, files and directories can be accessed and edited via a web browser.
Applied a UI / UX similar to the actual Windows Explorer to output a directory in the form of a tree on the left side, display a list of files / directories on the right. Can also use the right mouse button to launch a pop-up menu.
Users can view and modify all of own PHP code as well as edit text documents.
# Terminal
I am trying to implement UX similar to the actual terminal client by adding the funny function while looking at the PHP command execution function.
At the time, hacking of the web terminal became popular, and the security module (mod_security) was distributed, but I was able to encrypt / decrypt the communication contents and bypass the module.

Finding a path on the maze
# WebGame 2003.06~2003.06

Total 1

Finding a path on the maze using Javascript for web

C, HTML, Javascript / Linux, Windows, Web

This moves to the shortest distance avoiding obstacles in the 2D plane.
The maze search program implemented in the past DOS environment is reimplemented into the web environment using Javascript. It uses the Sprite Image for the four directions of the front and back, left and right, expressing the character walking. It also uses the flooding algorithm to navigate the path to avoid the block on the map.
You can add a block (minerals) or move a character by using the left / right buttons of the mouse.
In the case of the mobile version, the same function as the PC version is executed using the tap / long tap. A simple document on implementation principles is provided as a link on the web page.
• Explain : https://hooni.net/688
• PC Web : https://www.hooni.net/toy/miro/
• Mobile : https://www.hooni.net/toy/miro_mobile/

Mimicking Windows XP using Javascript
# WindowsXP 2003.02~2003.02

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Mimicking Windows XP using Javascript

PHP, HTML/CSS, Javascript / Web (Front-end)

A Web page that mimics Windows XP.
I was bored in the army. So I made it. It reproduces the boot screen and exit screen, the desktop, the start menu, and the UI of some applications. It has as much fun as running Windows XP in a web browser. User accounts are linked with MySQL to store different environments for each user.

The graph using GD library
# Using GD Lib. 2003.01~2003.01

Total 1

Generation the graph using GD library

PHP, GD library / Linux, Web

The toy program that I made while helping the task of my friend. And I saved it because I didnt want to throw it away.
When a user enters or modifies data, it dynamically generates a graph of the data. I used the PHP GD library to draw graphs.
+ Bar graph (2D / 3D)
+ Line graph
+ Pie chart
• Demo URL : https://hooni.net/toy/supiter/

CGI programming using C
# CGI using C 2001.12~2002.03

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CGI programming using C

C/C++, PHP, HTML, Javascript / Linux, Web

At the time of 2001, CGI programming was popular on the web platform, mostly implemented in Perl and C languages. I wanted to visualize the data structures and algorithms while learning the C language, and decided to create a web application using the C language. I had to directly deal with HTTP Requests and Responses, which are handled automatically by server side languages like PHP and JSP. So, I could get a lot of experience about the C language in string processing such as file saving and indexing, seperation and parsing of strings, and encoding and decoding.
• Demo URL : https://hooni.net/demo/codes/cgi/guest_c2/