2018.04.05 09:57
[js] Click button copy to clipboard
조회 수 1628 댓글 0
Example no jQuery.
function copyToClipboard(elementId) { // Create a "hidden" input var aux = document.createElement("input"); // Assign it the value of the specified element aux.setAttribute("value", document.getElementById(elementId).innerHTML); // Append it to the body document.body.appendChild(aux); // Highlight its content; // Copy the highlighted text document.execCommand("copy"); // Remove it from the body document.body.removeChild(aux); }
<p id="p1">P1: I am paragraph 1</p> <p id="p2">P2: I am a second paragraph</p> <button onclick="copyToClipboard('p1')">Copy P1</button> <button onclick="copyToClipboard('p2')">Copy P2</button> <br/><br/><input type="text" placeholder="Paste here for test" />
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