# 간단한 링크드 리스트 자료형 예제
typedef struct { int index; char name[10]; char sex; int age; char mail[50]; char phone[15]; char address[128]; }USER_INFO; typedef struct list_node *list_ptr; typedef struct list_node { USER_INFO user_info; list_ptr next; }LIST_NODE; list_ptr first=NULL; unsigned long list_cnt=0; list_ptr find_list_ptr(int node) { unsigned long i; list_ptr tmp=first; if( node > list_cnt ) node = list_cnt; if( tmp == NULL ) return NULL; for( i=1 ; i<node ; i++ ) { tmp = tmp->next; } return tmp; } // add list to end of list void add_list() { list_ptr tmp, end; tmp = (list_ptr)malloc( sizeof(LIST_NODE) ); tmp->next = NULL; if( list_cnt == 0 ) { first = tmp; } else { end = find_list_ptr( list_cnt ); end->next = tmp; } list_cnt++; } void insert_list(unsigned long node) { list_ptr tmp, node_ptr,node_next_ptr ; tmp = (list_ptr)malloc( sizeof(LIST_NODE) ); tmp->next=NULL; if( node >= list_cnt) { add_list(); return; } node_ptr = find_list_ptr(node); node_next_ptr = node_ptr->next; node_ptr->next = tmp; tmp->next = node_next_ptr; list_cnt++; } void Del_list() { unsigned long i; list_ptr tmp = first; list_ptr tmp_next; for( i=0 ; i<list_cnt; i++ ) { if( tmp->next != NULL) { tmp_next = tmp->next; free(tmp); tmp = tmp_next; } else { if( tmp != NULL ) free(tmp); } } list_cnt = 0; }