Ubuntu Desktop RDP Setup - 24.04 LTS
첨부 '4' |
리모트 데스크탑 클라이언트 여러 종류가 있지만 허술하거나 쓸만한 건 다 유료
근데 조금 더 찾아보니 MicroSoft가 다 씹어 먹은 듯.. 정말 잘 만들었다 생각함. 게다가 무료.
- Microsoft RDP Client (now called Windows App)
근데.. 최신 버전()에 문제가 있었음..
우분투 설치 후 우분투 리눅스 데스크탑 설치 후 리모트 데스크탑 안돼서 찾아보니..
OS나 Remote Desktop 데몬 쪽 문제가 아니었음.
In the new Microsoft RDP Client (now called Windows App), you need to change the settings in the RDP file.
Find the line that says: use redirection server name:i:0
Change it to: use redirection server name:i:1
If you can't find the RDP file, you can create a new one:
Right-click on your current connection.
Select "Export" to save the file.
Open the saved file and make the changes mentioned above.
Import the edited file as a new connection.
첨부된 파일 쓰면 됨 ㅋㅋㅋ
[출처] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1521764/rdp-black-screen-with-white-cursor-on-24-04lts/1528263
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Ubuntu Desktop RDP Setup - 24.04 LTS
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