2014.03.19 13:50
모션디텍터 라이브러리 - SOMotionDetector
조회 수 652 추천 수 0 댓글 0
첨부 '2' |
Simple library to detect motion for iOS by arturdev .
Based on location updates and acceleration.
iOS > 6.0
Compatible with iOS 7
Works on all iOS devices (i.e. not need M7 chip)
Copy SOMotionDetector folder to your project.
Link CoreMotion.framework, CoreLocation.framework.
Import "SOMotionDetector.h" file and implement
#import "SOMotionDetector.h
@interface ViewController ()<SOMotionDetectorDelegate>
Set SOMotionDetector's delegate to self
[SOMotionDetector sharedInstance].delegate = self;
Implement delegate methods
- (void)motionDetector:(SOMotionDetector *)motionDetector motionTypeChanged:(SOMotionType)motionType
- (void)motionDetector:(SOMotionDetector *)motionDetector locationChanged:(CLLocation *)location
- (void)motionDetector:(SOMotionDetector *)motionDetector accelerationChanged:(CMAcceleration)acceleration
You are done!
Now to start detection motion just call
[[SOMotionDetector sharedInstance] startDetection];
To stop detection call
[[SOMotionDetector sharedInstance] stopDetection];
Detecting motion types
typedef enum
MotionTypeNotMoving = 1,
} SOMotionType;
* Set this parameter to YES if you want to use M7 chip to detect more exact motion type. By default is No.
* Set this parameter before calling startDetection method.
* Available only on devices that have M7 chip. At this time only the iPhone 5S, the iPad Air and iPad mini with retina display have the M7 coprocessor.
@property (nonatomic) BOOL useM7IfAvailable;
*@param speed The minimum speed value less than which will be considered as not moving state
- (void)setMinimumSpeed:(CGFloat)speed;
*@param speed The maximum speed value more than which will be considered as running state
- (void)setMaximumWalkingSpeed:(CGFloat)speed;
*@param speed The maximum speed value more than which will be considered as automotive state
- (void)setMaximumRunningSpeed:(CGFloat)speed;
*@param acceleration The minimum acceleration value less than which will be considered as non shaking state
- (void)setMinimumRunningAcceleration:(CGFloat)acceleration;
Installation with CocoaPods
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries installation in your projects.
pod "SOMotionDetector", "~> 1.0.1"
SOMotionDetector is under MIT License (see LICENSE file)
M7칩을 사용하지않는 iOS기기에서도 사용가능한 모션디텍터 라이브러리 오픈소스 SOMotionDetector 입니다.
다운로드는 첨부파일 또는 아래링크를 확인하세요>
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